Carnot’s Engineering Data Sheets require the inclusion of a Low-Velocity Header (LVH) whenever a condensing boiler is installed in a new or existing heating system. It ‘hydraulically decouples’ the boiler from the distribution system, allowing the boiler to operate under temperature and flow conditions that may differ from those of the system. It also enables circulating pumps to be located at different positions on the boiler side and system side of the LVH (eg. in the return on the boiler side and in the flow on the system side) without affecting their performance.
If you are a consulting engineer in Central London please consult Supaflex for the Clyde Carnot consult range of commercial boilers. Take a look at our
recent projects.
Why choose Carnot boilers?
An alternative for a replacement boiler installation
An internal cascade control that maximises efficiency
Variable speed pumps that match load and reduce electricity
It has a low velocity header that matches boilers to system even when
DT through boilers differs from that of the system
The Clyde boiler range includes:
At Supaflex, we also install a variety of boilers from the Clyde range from Carnot Consult. The range includes:
Gas condensing boilers
CG boilers
Cast iron sectional boilers
To find out more about our services,get in touchwith us today.
Call Supaflex on 0845 872 9537 for Carnot Consult boilers in Central London.
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